What Will Learn?
This class will emphasize strategic analyses, decisions, and actions that organizations take to create sustainable competitive advantages, with the consideration of both the internal condition and the external environment. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to Understand strategic management theories and apply analytical tools to learn corporate strategies. This is a 4-credit-hour course and is allotted 6 weeks of time.
Strategic Management
Strategic Management is an advanced course of the Accelerated Master of Business Administration Degree program. The course emphasizes the importance of conducting strategic analyzes and making strategic decisions and actions that allow organizations to create sustainable competitive advantages in the marketplace.
A company cannot succeed if it does not have a strategy to stay ahead of the competition in its industry. It is not enough to just list products or services for sale and hope for the best. You must strategize a way to convince consumers that your products or services are a better deal than what your competition offers. These are the kinds of things you will learn in our Strategic Management course.
This is a 4-credit hour online course. You will have up to 6 weeks to complete the course. Upon completion, you will understand strategic management theories and apply analytical tools to learn corporate strategies. These analytical tools will allow you to study your competition and develop strategies to improve or expand on what they are doing for your company. That is how it will gain a competitive advantage in the industry.
Companies throughout the world have strategic management positions to fill. With an MBA degree from American International Theism University, you will qualify for a job as a strategic planner, strategic analyst, and strategic performance manager. If the employer is a reputable and valuable company, you could end up earning six figures within a few short years after starting your job.
Write down a list of your skills on your resume and put “strategic management” as one of those skills. Your MBA degree and transcripts from American International Theism University will be more than enough proof to employers that you genuinely possess those skills. They will likely want to hire you on the spot.
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