What Will Learn?
This class will introduce an integral component of the business field and applying finance in terms of making skills that enable students to become more responsible consumers, producers, or business entrepreneurs. We will discuss business finance including where the funds come from and what they are used for; budgeting including planning and preparation, record keeping, taxation, insurance and banking. This is a 4-credit-hour course and allotted 6 weeks of time.
Business Finance Management
Business Finance Management is an advanced course of the Accelerated Master of Business Administration Degree program. Students who enroll in the course will learn all about business finance and how it can make them more responsible as business entrepreneurs, consumers, and producers.
Where do business funds come from? What are they used for? The answers to these questions are what you will learn by taking this course. Every company must manage its funding, whether it’s funding for the company or other businesses or clients. By the time you finish the Business Finance Management course at American International Theism University, you will have learned about financial planning and preparation, record keeping, taxation, insurance, and banking.
Companies of all industries must deal with these financial tasks. Anyone who becomes a Master of Business will be knowledgeable about all aspects of business finance if they’re going to succeed in a corporate position. Once you have these skills, you could get a job as a bookkeeper, tax planner, financial consultant, or banker. There is no limit to the opportunities that are out there.
At American International Theism University, we prepare students for the real business world. Business finance management skills are essential to have if you want a job in virtually any corporation in the United States or worldwide. Financial management is the foundation for a company to reach its goals and make the proper business decisions. If a company does not have adequate financial management, it will not last for very long. That is why it is so important to learn business finance management.
Our Business Finance Management course can be completed in six weeks. Students who pass the course will receive four credits toward their accredited MBA degree. The entire course can be taken online, so you will never need to step foot in a physical classroom throughout the whole six weeks.
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