What Will Learn?
Welcome to the course on Islamic risk management. The aim of the class is to teach you how to best foresee and anticipate future issues, challenges, dangers as well as opportunities. With the first part of the course, you will become acquainted with the process of strategic foresight and risk management or more broadly anticipation. You will learn about its main hurdles and to design strategies to overcome them. You will discover and become acquainted with the field of anticipation, its actors and its products, reports, and analyses. With the second part, you will learn how to handle and analyze a real-world issue and future uncertainty. You will practically conduct the risk or foresight analysis for that. This is a 4-credit-hour course and allotted 6 weeks of time.
Islamic Risk Management
Islamic banking and finance revolve around the greater good of society. Due to its governance under Sharia Law, the risks associated with saving and investing money through Islamic financial institutions are unique. If you want to work in the Islamic financing industry, you need to learn how risk management in an Islamic financial institution differs from a conventional financial institution.
Islamic Risk Management is a required course in the Accelerated Master in Islamic Finance and Banking Degree program at American International Theism University. The purpose of the course is to teach students the best ways to foresee and anticipate future issues, challenges, dangers, and opportunities in the Islamic banking and finance industry.
This is a six-week accredited online course. During the first few weeks, you’ll learn about the process of strategic foresight and risk management and the overall anticipation of potential future risks. You’ll learn about the most common hurdles in which Islamic banks and financial institutions have to face all the time.
Most importantly, you’ll learn how to overcome these hurdles by strategically planning for them accordingly. As you anticipate future risks, you’ll design strategies that incorporate all relevant actors, products, reports, and analyses. Then near the end of the course, you’ll have the opportunity to analyze the real-world issue of future uncertainty in the Islamic banking industry and create strategies for dealing with it.
Islamic risk management is all about anticipating and analyzing the risks so that you can come up with viable solutions in case they occur. That is what any good Islamic risk manager should know how to do. If you ever apply for an Islamic banking job in the field of risk management, the employer will expect you to have taken a class in Islamic Risk Management.
American International Theism University ensures that you are prepared for a real-world setting in the Islamic banking and finance industry. After you earn your Master in Islamic Finance and Banking Degree, it will prove to every Islamic banking employer that you have what it takes for the job.
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