What Will Learn?
GRFM 800 Master’s Thesis in Grief Counseling. This syllabus describes the expectations for the Accelerated Master’s programs at AITU. It is an 8- hour semester course that should be completed within 12 weeks.
Master’s Thesis in Grief Counseling
Master’s Thesis in Grief Counseling is the final required course of the Accelerated Master of Grief Counseling Degree program at American International Theism University. If you have taken all the other required courses of this program already, you are now eligible to take the Master’s Thesis in Grief Counseling course. It will allow you to apply all of the previous knowledge you learned from the past lessons and apply them to a thesis project related to grief counseling.
Here is an overview of what you studied in this program:
- Grief counseling
- How to cope with death and dying
- An overview of psychotherapy theory and practice
- How to plan treatments for patients
- Ethical issues in counseling and how to overcome them
- The multicultural aspects of grief counseling
- How to counsel grieving families
- How to counsel grieving children and adolescents
- How to counsel grieving adults
Your Master’s Thesis will revolve around several or all of these subtopics in some way. You will be given up to 12 weeks to work on your thesis. Once you complete it successfully, you will be awarded the final eight credit hours needed to finish the program. Then you will be awarded an accredited Master in Grief Counseling Degree.
At this point, you can choose to pursue your career in grief counseling and/or continue your education and pursue a Doctorate of Grief Counseling Degree at American International Theism University. Some students go on to do both simultaneously to get more done.
Since the courses are offered online, it is easy to attend class because you can log into your virtual classroom whenever you want. There are no appointments or physical classrooms to visit at a specific time. Instead, you can open your laptop and go to class when you want.
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