What Will Learn?
This course is part of the Accelerated Master’s program in Grief Counseling at AITU. It is a 4-hour semester course that should be completed within 6 weeks. This course is designed to help the student learn how to effectively assess/evaluate, develop a working relationship with and develop meaningful and effective interventions in the lives of adults who are experiencing loss, trauma, grief and bereavement.
Grief Counseling with Adults
Grief is a feeling that is never easy to process, whether you’re an adult or a child. Adults often have to deal with grief because they’re more likely to lose a parent, friend, or another loved one within their lifetime. If an adult doesn’t know how to process grief properly, it could interfere with their job, marriage, and entire life in general.
When an adult feels long-term grief, they should seek out a grief counselor. It is their best chance of learning how to come to terms with their grief and move forward productively and happily. Grief counselors are trained to understand grief from an adult’s perspective and the best ways of helping them to manage that grief.
Grief Counseling with Adults is a required course of the Accelerated Master of Grief Counseling Degree program at American International Theism University. It is designed to help students learn how to effectively assess and evaluate the level of grief experienced by an adult patient.
Students will also learn how to develop a working relationship with adults who experience loss, trauma, grief, and bereavement. As the relationship between a grief counselor and a patient is created, it is easier for the counselor to develop effective and meaningful interventions to benefit their patient’s life tremendously.
When you graduate from the Grief Counseling with Adults program, you will have four additional credit hours on your academic record at American International Theism University. Most importantly, you will understand how to help adult patients overcome their grief. Since most of your patients will likely be adults, there is no better course to take than Grief Counseling with Adults. It will prepare you for a real-life scenario where you counsel adults daily.
Our professors are experienced and educated in the field of Grief Counseling, especially where adults are concerned. They will guide you through the course material and answer your questions thoroughly and honestly.
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