What Will Learn?
This course is part of the Accelerated Master’s program in Grief Counseling at AITU. It is a 4-hour semester course that should be completed within 6 weeks. The student will learn the complexity involved with families as they bereave, experience loss and grief. Assessing the family in the midst of their grief in terms of those complexities, developing therapeutic interventions, and the circumstances of the loss is also examined. Finally the nature, extent and providing appropriate and effective help with families who don’t seem to move on, who are experiencing complicated grief are explored.
Grief Counseling with Families
Grief counselors do not only treat individual patients suffering from grief, loss, and bereavement, but they also treat families as well. The methods and techniques for counseling families are a little different than counseling individual people. You must understand the complexities of their dilemma, such as how each family member processes grief differently from one another. Then you can establish the proper therapeutic interventions to help each family member in a unique sort of way.
Grief Counseling with Families is a required course of the Accelerated Master of Grief Counseling Degree program at American International Theism University. The curriculum is structured to teach students about the complexities involved with families as they bereave and grieve over the loss of a loved one. Students will be trained on how to assess grieving families and to understand their complexities better. That is how proper therapeutic interventions can be established.
Sometimes the circumstances of a family’s loss play a role in how they grieve. This will be examined in the course because it is an essential consideration for a counselor to make. And lastly, the course teaches how to provide appropriate and practical help to families who have trouble moving on with their lives. These are families that experience complicated grief, which is a particular type of grief that you don’t often hear about.
When you complete the Grief Counseling with Families course, you will be ready to counsel grieving families during their time of loss. If you plan to become a grief counselor, especially one who operates a family practice, you will appreciate what you learn from this course.
Completing the course will earn you four credit hours on your academic record. It should take up to six weeks to finish the course. You can learn all about Grief Counseling with Families on the internet because this is an online course. Study the material from any location with a computer and internet connection.
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