What Will Learn?
This course is part of the Accelerated Master’s program in Grief Counseling at AITU. It is a 4-hour semester course that must be completed within 6 weeks. Its aim is to gain a working understanding of fundamental theories of psychotherapy and its practice. GRFM 500 is the first part with GRFM 525 completing the topic. Together the courses provide you with a theoretical understanding of various approaches to therapy and a practical skill set necessary for the effective practice of grief therapy. You will also find consistent opportunities to apply the material to grief therapy specifically. This is the same course offered as part of the Accelerate Master’s program in Grief Counseling GRFD 1102.
Psychotherapy Overview Theory and Practice II
Psychotherapy is a broad term referring to the practice of treating people with mental disorders and emotional issues. A psychotherapist can diagnose and treat mental disorders by counseling patients and advising them how to feel better.
Do not confuse psychotherapists with psychiatrists because they’re two different things. Psychiatrists use medicine and counseling to treat patients with mental disorders, whereas psychotherapists only use psychological techniques to treat them. They do not prescribe medication to patients.
It does not take as much time to become a psychotherapist. All you need is a Master’s Degree in some brand of psychology, such as grief counseling. If you were to obtain such a degree, you could make a comfortable living as a professional grief counselor. It would also be a gratifying profession because you will help people feel better and move on past their grief.
Psychotherapy Overview Theory and Practice II is a required course of the Accelerated Master of Grief Counseling Degree program at American International Theism University. It will teach you about psychotherapy and the numerous psychotherapy theories that exist, such as cognitive therapy, humanistic therapy, and holistic or integrative therapy. By understanding the different types of psychotherapy, you will better understand how to treat grieving patients.
Our Grief Counseling program can be completed in 6 weeks via the internet. The course is worth four credits toward your Master of Grief Counseling Degree. All of the classroom time is spent online, so you can earn these credits from your home or any other location where it is comfortable for you to learn.
At the end of the course, you will better understand psychotherapy in general and all the critical practices and sub therapies related to it. Once you finally work as a psychotherapist or grief counselor, the knowledge you were taught from this course will tremendously help you over your career.
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