What Will Learn?
Welcome to GFC- 302 End of Life Issues, a Bachelor of Science in Grief Counseling course. This course will provide you with basic theory and practical information needed to address the end of life issues. It identifies the needs of the bereaved in a variety of grief support services roles.
During this course, the importance of end of life issues is discussed and factors associated in providing supportive services. This course aids in preparing a professional to identify service issues associated with dying, as well as, supporting their loved ones. You will learn to develop a foundation in psychological, societal, spiritual and interpersonal understanding. It will challenge you to learn ethics, self determination and how to asses concerns during the end of life process. Personal beliefs and values will be challenged and hopefully enlightened. I am happy you have chosen this course to assist in this learning process. To evaluate your learning experience, you will be involved in weekly readings, assignments and a final exam. Welcome!
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