What Will You Learn?
This course is part of the Master Degree Program in Grief Therapy at the School of Grief Education at AITU. It is a 6-hour semester course that must be completed within 6 weeks. You will learn the fundamentals of complicated mourning, its assessment and treatment, and specific clinical problems with complicated mourning
Course Assignments: For this course, the student has one mandatory book and one mandatory video as material. Other materials the student may obtain from other sources. This course
Do not hesitate to contact me with questions about the course, to e-mail me your weekly material or feedback at E.Slebos@aituedu.org.
If you don’t receive a confirmation of your material submission within 48 hours contact me at E.Slebos@aituedu.org.
Course Objectives: The aim is to learn about complicated mourning, to learn how to recognize signals indicating possible problems in complicated mourning, as well as learning appropriate interventions that can be used for the treatment of complicated mourning.
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