What Will You Learn?
Course Overview: This course is part of the Doctorate Degree Program in Bereavement at the School of Grief Education of AITU.
It is a 6-hour semester course that must be completed within 6 weeks.
This course consists mainly of numerous approaches of different elements on how grief and loss are experienced, can be treated, and which techniques are available for treatment.
Course Assignments: There are 13 assignments for which the student has one mandatory book and supportive videos as materials. The student has to make use of the materials from the complete program and what they seem appropriate and rel-evant material located elsewhere in the public domain.
Course Objectives: The aim is to learn about the numerous elements relating to grief and loss, to learn how to recognize signals indicating possible anticipatory and complicated grief and loss in pre and post death mourning, as well as learning ap-propriate interventions that can be used to prevent the risk of those problems.
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