What Will Learn?
This course is part of the Bachelor program in Grief Counseling at the School of Grief Education at AITU. It is a 6-hour semester course that must be completed within 6 weeks. The aim of this course is to introduce students to the theory and practice of grief counseling when people have to make end-of-life choices and to counsel loved-ones confronted with those choices. This course is asking you to think about choices that people make which do not adhere to your beliefs and convictions. Also how to reconcile the client’s choice with yours. Possible sensitive subjects will be confronted and if needed discussed in a one-on-one on-line meeting between students and professors.
- To identify possible problematic life choices.
- To identify your personal opinion on end-of-life choices.
- To identify the major influences on these processes for both the client and the loved- ones.
- To identify how loved-ones influence the choices to be made by the patient. To recognize the interaction between patients and loved ones.
- To learn how to handle choices that are against your principles.
- To suggest constructive ways in which to support patients and loved-ones that can help them cope with the effects of the choice and the approaching death.
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