What Will Learn?
Graduate Project/Thesis EDU 600 and EDU 1000 is an 8 semester-hour course. This thesis is an independent course project which will allow you to demonstrate expertise in the selected area[s] of research. The course is designed to increase your knowledge base in the education field, as well as to refine writing, organization and presentation skills. Self-direction and initiative must be displayed in completing the thesis assignment. It is the final course in the Master of Science in Education degree program. This is an 8 -credit-hour course and is allotted 12 weeks of time.
Graduate Project/Thesis
When you have completed the 10 required courses of the Master of Education Degree program at American International Theism University, the final course is the Graduate Project/Thesis EDU 600 and EDU 1000. It is a special 8-credit hour course that requires you to compile everything you have learned into one final thesis project. It is an independent course project where you demonstrate your newfound expertise in various areas of educational research and study.
The purpose of the Graduate Project/Thesis course is to increase your overall knowledge in the education field. You will have the opportunity to refine your writing skills as well as your organization and presentation skills. These are all skills required to succeed in the education field. The thesis project ensures that you understand how to present information in a meaningful and effective way so that others can learn from it.
Self-direction and initiative must be displayed as you complete the thesis assignment. If you’ve made it this far in the course, you should have already mastered self-direction fairly well. Now you just need to prove you have what it takes to succeed in this field once and for all.
Due to the importance of this final course, you will be given up to 12 weeks to complete it. Like all the other courses in this degree program, the thesis course is 100% online. We’ll have instructors from all the education courses on standby to answer your questions and address your concerns.
Once you complete this final course in the Master of Science in Education degree program, you will earn your final eight credits toward your degree. As a result, American International Theism University will issue to you an accredited Master of Science in Education Degree. Then you can proceed to look for jobs in the education field or pursue a Doctor of Science in Education Degree. Whatever you prefer doing.
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