What Will Learn?
All students in the Doctor of Business program must complete a project proposal for their doctoral project. Proposals must be completed and approved by the instructor before the submission of any doctoral project. All proposals must be in 3 weeks after starting the course. Students have 12 weeks or 2 semesters to complete their doctoral projects. Extensions are granted on an individual basis. This is an 8-credit-hour course and is allotted 12 weeks of time.
Dissertation Analysis and Defense
Dissertation Analysis and Defense is a required course of the Doctorate in Business Administration program at American International Theism University. All students in the Doctorate in Business Administration program must complete a project proposal for their doctoral project. The proposal is for the final dissertation project of the entire DBA program.
When you conduct a dissertation analysis, it reviews all the previous courses and the knowledge you’ve obtained from them. The dissertation is your chance to utilize what you have learned into one final project. But the dissertation is not just an opportunity to express what you’ve learned. It is the opportunity to show how the facts and opinions you’ve obtained from these courses are relevant to the real business world.
All proposals must be completed and approved by the instructor before the submission of any doctoral project. Your proposal should defend the topic of your doctoral project. It must use research analysis and data to convince the reader regarding the topic at hand. The instructors are always available to guide students as they work on their proposals. Exact instructions on how to draft a proposal will be given at the beginning of the course.
Students will have up to 3 weeks to submit their proposals to their instructors. The entire doctoral project takes 12 weeks to complete, which is the equivalent of two semesters. That means you’ll have nine weeks to complete the project after your proposal is submitted. Extensions may be granted to students on an individual basis if needed.
Once you submit your doctoral project, you will receive eight credit hours on your academic record. These are the final eight credit hours you will need to receive your Doctorate in Business Administration. Then you can officially call yourself a doctor and put the academic title “Dr.” in front of your name.
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